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Reparative/Conversion Therapy

By October 17, 2019October 21st, 2019Original Post

Conversion, reparative, or sexual orientation change therapies are opposed by all mainstream medical and mental health professional organizations in the United States. This is a partial list of those organizations and their positions. It will be updated as I find the time.

Mormon Mental Health Association (MMHA)

“…the MMHA takes a position against any therapy modalities, which have been developed to change, alter or reduce sexual orientation – usually referred to as Reparative or Conversion Therapy” .

“Due to the harmful nature of reparative/conversion therapy, the MMHA calls upon parents to not seek these services for their children, on [Church] leaders to not refer to such services and on therapists to not engage in this practice or associate with clinics who promote it. It also encourages government officials at any local, state, national or international level to ban its use” .


American Psychiatric Association

“…No credible evidence exists that any mental health intervention can reliably and safely change sexual orientation; nor, from a mental health perspective does sexual orientation need to be changed.”


American Psychological Association (APA)

“The American Psychological Association expressed support for a report released today by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration calling for an end to the practice of ‘conversion therapy’ for children and youth” .


“…APA encourages mental health professionals to avoid misrepresenting the efficacy of sexual orientation change efforts by promoting or promising change in sexual orientation when providing assistance to individuals distressed by their own or others’ sexual orientation…”


American Medical Association

“…opposes, the use of ‘reparative’ or ‘conversion’ therapy for sexual orientation or gender identity.”


American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

“…based on the scientific evidence, the AACAP asserts that such ‘conversion therapies’ (or other interventions imposed with the intent of promoting a particular sexual orientation and/or gender as a preferred outcome) lack scientific credibility and clinical utility. Additionally, there is evidence that such interventions are harmful. As a result, “conversion therapies” should not be part of any behavioral health treatment of children and adolescents.”


American Academy of Pediatrics

“The AAP recommends taking a ‘gender-affirming,’ nonjudgmental approach that helps children feel safe in a society that too often marginalizes or stigmatizes those seen as different. The gender-affirming model strengthens family resiliency and takes the emphasis off heightened concerns over gender while allowing children the freedom to focus on academics, relationship-building and other typical developmental tasks.”


National Association of Social Workers

“The National Association of Social Workers reaffirms its stance against therapies and treatments designed to change sexual orientation or gender identity and against referring clients t o practitioners or programs that claim to do so” .



American Psychological Association. (2015, October 15). APA Applauds SAMHSA Report Calling For End To “Conversion Therapy” For Youth [Press release]. American Psychological Association. Cite
Mormon Mental Health Association. (2015, August 23). Position on reparative or conversion therapy. The Mormon Mental Health Association. Cite
National Association of Social Workers. (2015). Sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) and conversion therapy with lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender persons [Position statement]. Cite
Cite this article as:
Robert Allred, "Reparative/Conversion Therapy," Robert P. Allred, PhD, October 17, 2019,


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Allred, R. (October 17, 2019). Reparative/Conversion Therapy. Robert P. Allred, PhD.

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