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Resources for Keeping Safe

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This page contains a number of different resources for keeping you safe during this difficult time. Please make sure to scroll all the way down to see all the different options.

Information on COVID-19

It is important to make sure that you have accurate information about the outbreak. The following links have accurate and useful information:

Intimate Partner Violence

With the Stay at Home order in place, you may find yourself in an unsafe situation without a way to leave an anyone to talk to. If you or your children are in immediate danger, please call 911 right away. Listed below are some other resources to help you during this time. It may not be safe to be on the web or on a phone call right now, only you can know. Please do what you need to do to be safe.

King County has partnered with LegalAtoms to allow you to file for a Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) online. Please note that this is only available to residents of King County at this time.

Local Domestic Violence Hotlines

National Domestic Violence Hotlines

Homemade Masks

The CDC now recommends that Americans wear face coverings when outside in order to protect others from infection by asymptomatic individuals. There are a number of examples of cloth masks that can be made on that website.

The Research

Researchers in Australia ran, a first of its kind, randomized trial of 1607 hospital workers in Vietnam to compare the efficacy of cloth masks, medical masks, and usual practice. They determined that those wearing cloth masks were at highest risk of infection .

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, these same researchers added a response on 30 March 2020 to their article in which they stress that healthcare workers are better off with some protection over no protection. They also suggested that the cloth mask arm may have performed worse due to inadequate laundering of the cloth masks.

It is important to point out that this study was looking at preventing infection in healthcare worker, and NOT at prevention of spread by asymptomatic individuals. The CDC is basing their recommendation on a number of studies looking at the risk of community spread by asymptomatic individuals.

I am not aware of any studies looking at the efficacy of cloth face mask in the prevention of spread. Should you find one, please send me the information.



MacIntyre, C. R., Seale, H., Dung, T. C., Hien, N. T., Nga, P. T., Chughtai, A. A., Rahman, B., Dwyer, D. E., & Wang, Q. (2015). A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers. BMJ Open, 5(4), e006577. Cite
Cite this article as:
Robert Allred, "Resources for Keeping Safe," Robert P. Allred, PhD, April 7, 2020,


APA Style, 7th Edition:
Allred, R. (April 7, 2020). Resources for Keeping Safe. Robert P. Allred, PhD.